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Just Add Water

By / April 11, 2017 / / 0 Comments

“Part of the Birch Benders’ mission is bringing people together through pancakes — and that means youth who have been experiencing homelessness.”

Teaming up to provide the most important meal of the day, Birch Benders only required Urban Peak to “just add water”, thanks to the efforts by chief brand officer Brandon Sharp. After realizing that the company was at a point where they could do community outreach, Sharp found the company’s calling after attending the “Urban Nights” fundraiser hosted by Urban Peak.

“We make pancakes, they serve breakfast — it made sense that we would partner with them,” noted Sharp.

And just like that, Birch Benders became the official pancake provider.

“They really believe in building a sense of comfort and community around the breakfast table and providing a healthy start to the day and laying that foundation,” said Zmroczek. “The youth moving into their first apartment don’t always have kitchen skills, so being able to provide them with just add water pancake mix gives the youth of the program the opportunity to make breakfast on their own and gives them another step towards independence.”

The above quoted by Joshua Zmroczek, director of development for Urban Peak, was excited to be able to serve pancakes and waffles every morning at the local drop in center as a another outreach service assisting youth in overcoming real life challenges.With an estimated 900+ homeless youth found sleeping on the Denver streets each night, Birch Benders is now partly responsible in the ability to serve 1,800+ homeless youth hot breakfast.…/04/urban-peak-birch-benders-panca…/


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